
A while back I had a friend approach me asking for an extension to Arma that would allow him to communicate with an Arduino from the game, since he wanted to make physical peripherals like a compass or speedometer. If you're unfamiliar, Arma 3 allows you to write scripts in-game using their (terrible) SQF language. Being an in-game scripting language, it's important to disallow interacting with the user's operating system for security, so you can't just directly connect to peripherals - hence the need for ArmaCOM.

My friend had been using the Arduino's USB-to-serial capabilities to prototype his projects, so he asked for an API to communicate over serial ports. That initially seemed to work well, but it turns out serial communications are just too slow for advanced usage, so I later implemented a TCP API as well.

The extension was an instant hit on the Steam workshop, and a lot of people in the community seemed to share my friend's vision for physical Arma peripherals.

More Information

Technical Details

Having been born in 2000, I had never actually used a serial port in any capacity before, so I had some Googling to do. I did remember that Windows has built-in serial capabilities as a holdover from the DOS days, so my first stop was MSDN. The API is a bit arcane (though that's to be expected given how old it is), but it wasn't too difficult to get a basic prototype working.

I won't go into details about the SQF API here, since I go into detail about it on the GitHub page, but what's important is that it works. Using my extension, you're able to do things like list available serial ports, connect to a port, send messages, and listen for messages.

One important technical detail is that Arma 3 is almost entirely single-threaded. It has no synchronization to speak of, and implements a basic scheduler to run SQF scripts (it's very easy to hang the game with a poorly-behaved script). That poor design imposes restrictions on extensions, since the scheduler isn't able to force an extension to yield its time - you have to make sure any call to your extension is quick to return. In the world of communication - especially slow communication like serial ports - that's a bit of an issue, since you have no idea how long it may take to send or receive a message.

My solution to this was to make any calls to the extension that may take a long time be non-blocking (async). The idea is that whenever someone connects to a serial port, the extension spins up a new thread to handle reads from the port. The user can also opt to have writes be on a separate thread, but they'll have to implement error handling callbacks in that case.

When I decided to implement TCP as a solution to serial's awful speeds, a lot changed in the project. First off, I added Boost for its TCP API. Second, with the program no longer being just a few hundred lines, I decided it was time to write tests.

Adding Tests

Now, "adding tests" may not sound too bad, but it's not that easy due to the way Arma extensions work. Extensions are dynamically-loaded libraries (.dll on Windows and .so on Linux) with a few functions exported, specifically this one:

int __stdcall RVExtensionArgs(char* output, int outputSize, const char* functionC, const char** argvC, int argc)

Any time your extension is called with arguments, Arma converts those arguments to strings and calls that function. Worse than having to deal with a bunch of strings is that ArmaCOM needs something to communicate with. The test code will have to simulate serial and TCP communications.

My solution to the first problem was based on something I had read about when I first started playing around with Arma scripting. A dev called "killzonekid", who wrote tutorials on how to make Arma extensions, made something called callextension. Callextension is a relatively primitive program to basically call RVExtensionArgs from a CLI app.

Remembering that, I decided to see if anyone had made a similar project to call the function from code instead, and Maca134 came to the rescue. Sort of. Maca's project is more than a little outdated and not particularly featureful, but it did remind me of C#'s excellent support for calling native code. I also needed the ability to dynamically load and unload the extension to test its behavior and make sure it cleans up after itself.

Thus, ArmaExtensionInterface was born.

With a way to call the extension from C#, I was able to make use of C# test frameworks to make the ArmaCOMTests sub-project. This is pretty ideal for a few reasons, namely:

Once I had the testing working, I was able to fearlessly make changes to the extension without having to go through the arduous process of booting up Arma and writing SQF. The tests also came in handy and caught quite a few subtle (and not-so-subtle) bugs - I never would have been able to get it working as well as it is without the tests.